Thursday 5 August 2010

Zen Master

I can, at times, be slightly mental highly strung. I am quick to be stressed out and easily fall apart, even if only momentarily.

Until now.

If I am going to take away one thing post break-up it is my ability to be a Zen Master. I have been trying really really hard to remain cool and calm and collected.

People have behaved disappointingly since the break-up. There are people who have not got in touch with me at all about it and people who have decided that Facebook is an appropriate medium for friendship in times like these. Some of these people have not surprised me in the slightest, others have left me gobsmacked, all have required me to re-assess how I view some of my friendships.

And thus the Zen Master was born.

I realised I had a couple of choices. I could have it out with those friends – call them out on their appalling behaviour and let them know how disappointed I was in them. I could stop speaking to them altogether. Or I could just let it go.

I can now accept that those people who have been there for me are really the only ones that matter. I know who those people are, I hope they know who they are, they are the one who were relentless in their checking up on me, who constantly asked me what I needed help with, who always listened with judgement. Why would I waste time on anyone else? Why should I invest my time and energy on those who clearly do not value my friendship?

The old Girl would have held this grudge deep inside and let it fester like a rotting, maggoty piece of meat. The old Girl would have cut those friends off, deleted them from Facebook and just never spoken to them again. Or she would have been snippy and rude to them when she did see them, letting them know that she was annoyed but being unwilling to tell them why.

I really really hate confrontation and arguments. I get flustered and I cry. I don’t have to be sad, but I will cry anyway. Whatever emotion I have, it will come leaking out of my eyes and trickling down my cheeks and I am incapable of stopping it.

So I have learned to just let it go. Yes, they have been disappointing. Yes, they are crappy friends. No, I won’t be making any great effort to meet up or stay in touch. But will they remain my friends? Yes, they will. They might not be close friends anymore but they will still be friends. I have looked at my relationships with them and thought very hard about whether I still want them in my life. On reflection, yes I do still want them in my life, I’m not one to throw away years of friendship over something like this, especially when I know that I do have good friends on my side.

Maybe that’s what makes it easier to let it go. I know that I have several very good friends that I can rely on (not to mention a family) and have realised that that is all I need. That allows me to not get stressed out and annoyed at these other people – why get stressed out about someone not being there for you when you’ve already been glued back together by others?

The Zen Master act has been quite liberating. I am able to stand back and really look at things and ask myself, “Is this something worth getting stressed and worried and frantic and upset about?” The answer has invariably been, “No.”

I have not perfected the Zen Master art yet and there have been several wobbles along the way but it’s allowed me to focus on more important things, and people, in the past month or so.

It’s also an art that came in incredibly handy when I discovered that Hull City Council had taken £104 worth of council tax out of my account for a property I haven’t lived in since the middle of June and was informed it will be at least 3 weeks until I can hope to see it again.

Aaaaaaaand breathe.

And if the Zen Master routine fails I have an always patient, reasonable and indefatigable ear to chew off and a pillow to pummel.


  1. Liberated Girl - so proud of you! I'm with you, best to let it go. Flourish, Girl!

  2. You do better than me. I'm not a forgiving sort of person. Once crossed, that's it for me I'm afraid. I sound like a complete cow, but honestly I'm not, I am actually quite lovely. It's just that I don't have room in my life for people that really couldn't give a rat's ass about my feelings.
    Well done for being so mature about the whole thing.

  3. I hate confrontation too and have the same reaction as you, which just ends up making me even more annoyed and even more blubby.
    Maybe the Zen thing has something to do with age too - the older I've got, the more I find myself thinking "you are just too trivial for me to get annoyed over" when some one is being horrible.
    But good on you - focus on what's important and forget the rest.

  4. Woman - the more I learn about you the more I think - this girl has the same brain as me! Just today I was thinking of my dad's words when I get pent up or upset about a boy or a bad friend 'Lauren, just let it go...let it go!' and I never can. So I was trying to repeat these words over and over again in case repetition might does for like half a day...and then I give in and give up and don't let sucks - I try so hard!

    Friends do let you down...they don't mean to - they are just preoccupied with their own lives sometimes. My mum always says you can count the closest friends to you on one hand only.

    Argh want to write more but people all coming to bed now so need to shut down...just know I feel your pain...I do...let's email soon! xxx

  5. Woman - the more I learn about you the more I think - this girl has the same brain as me! Just today I was thinking of my dad's words when I get pent up or upset about a boy or a bad friend 'Lauren, just let it go...let it go!' and I never can. So I was trying to repeat these words over and over again in case repetition might does for like half a day...and then I give in and give up and don't let sucks - I try so hard!

    Friends do let you down...they don't mean to - they are just preoccupied with their own lives sometimes. My mum always says you can count the closest friends to you on one hand only.

    Argh want to write more but people all coming to bed now so need to shut down...just know I feel your pain...I do...let's email soon! xxx

  6. I used to get worked up by friends but the older I've got sometimes I've realised you have to accept people are who they are and it's been sad to cut people out of my life etc but I couldn't go on being let down and getting upset and it turned out to be the right thing to do.

    Victoria xx

  7. I have learned in life that not everyone is nice. As Frank Sinatra sings "she never bothers with people she hates". Mind you, I am a Scorpio !
    Gemma :-)

  8. That's very mature of you, I don't know if I'd be able to do the same!! I can be very confrontational, but only because I don't like to leave things to fester - I'll just say it how it is - and I'm not one to mince my words either - anyway, your attitude is all in all very mature, so go you!!!

  9. Always stand back and observe, like a spectator, tis a good idea, not always possible or remembered, but good if you can. This happens after a break-up, and other things on life. A lot of my friends disappeared in a puff of smoke when I got the dreaded tabboo cancer diagnosis. yes, it hurt, but there were also friends who have stuck with me through thick and thin. Lots of thin! If you stick with this, you will see that it sets you up well in life! Susie xxx

  10. Is it wrong that I searched for you on facebook after reading this? and failed, naturally.


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