Saturday, 13 April 2013

Lessons learned in baking

So The Person baked me a cake for my birthday.

Here are the lessons that he said he learned;

1) Use the right equipment. When it asks for 2 sandwich tins, using 1 springform tin which is bigger isn't a suitable substitute

2) When you do put your mixture in the tin, ensure it is evenly spread across the bottom or you will end up with what we affectionately called the Slope Cake

3) When making your icing and you run out of icing sugar, do not try and substitute it for caster sugar

4) If the icing is supposed to be pink/red, keep adding the food colouring until you get the desired colour, don't be stingy and end up with flesh/raw sausagemeat coloured icing

No need to thank me, go forth and bake.


  1. Love this- This sounds like useless features' attitude to baking. Thought that counts though!

  2. I would like more Person Baking Tips please. This is awesome :D

  3. Boys and baking always makes for some good entertainment! Had a similar experience with my brother. One Christmas, I bought him some salted caramel chocolates from Hotel Chocolat. He liked them so much he thought he would make me salted caramel chocolate birthday cake. He didn't have any scales so thought guessing quantities would be OK. He'd forgotten to add the baking powder so was more like a birthday pancake. And then he'd forgotten to put the salt into the actual caramel topping so thought sprinkling it on top would work just as well. Not so much, as it turns out. But I genuinely appreciated the thought! :)

  4. Yeah but ... he baked you a cake! I think that's rather lovely.

  5. Awww bless him- fab effort though, my uni boys chickened out and bought me cake instead last year!! x

  6. Bless him for trying. No-one has ever baked me a cake, not even my Mum (she isn't into cooking.)

  7. The thought was there, he'll just have to keep trying ;-)

  8. This made me smile, but I have to confess, in desperation I did once try to persuade caster sugar to become icing... and my sons made the most amazing chocolate log/slab one Christmas due to all your above 'errors'!

  9. Haha, nothing like learning from your mistakes! VERY sweet of him to bake for you though - that's true love that :)

  10. It looks quite delicious though!


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