Friday, 14 June 2013

The News

Good lord, we're in June - how did that happen?

People kept mentioning it to me at the start of the month and every time they did I felt a bit of a punch to my stomach.

Half the year gone already. This was not the plan. How can I have been living here in the Midlands for this long already?

How have I been living in my sister's box room for this long?

How have I been travelling back and forth from Preston most weekends to see The Person?

How has it been this long?

It didn't make me feel good. Whilst I knew it may take a bit of time for The Person to find a job I don't think either of us appreciated how long that would be, and it had been five long months without even the hint of an interview, much less an actual job.

Stress levels have been high and have snapped more than once, but the edges were starting to fray a little.

So it was with a certain amount of nervous excitement that we made our way back to the Midlands together  on the last Bank Holiday Monday for The Person to have an interview.

I kept it pretty quiet and didn't really dare to hope. We didn't even speak about it that much that weekend, despite our rolling down hills and our trip to Blackpool, we enjoyed ourselves but didn't really talk about what was going to happen at the end of the weekend - the big potential game-changer.

I'll not beat around the bush, there's little point.

He got the job.

And with that everything has changed. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

In fact the light is heading towards us at full speed.

It seems that this was a situation where we just had to wait for the right thing to come along. And it really is the right thing, The Person has got a job in pretty much the only town that would allow us to live together in my town without transport. It is not a transport hub by any stretch of the imagination but the only public transport available runs between our towns. Lucky or what?

I am in the process of finding somewhere for us to live (no he doesn't need to look at it, don't be silly) and now the process of packing up and throwing out begins.

And in one more month I'll get to live with my boyfriend again.

Here's to the next six months.


  1. Congratulations! Here's to the next 6 months being less stress and more happy!

  2. So glad that it's all worked out so perfectly, can't wait to hear about the new place and I hope you find somewhere lovey.

  3. Yay! I'm very happy for you. Looking forward to hearing more about the new place should you choose to share.

  4. My face broke into a smile when I read 'He got the job' Am so pleased for you both. I know what you mean about lack of transport. Our town doesn't even have a train station. In fact it USED to have a train station and then got rid of it! Bit backwards if you ask me! Anyway glad things are looking up and there'e light at the end of the train tunnel. Have a FAB weekend ;) xxx

  5. What brilliant news, anyone who has ever been in a long-distance relationship will understand how happy and relieved you must both feel. A great start to the weekend :-)

  6. Congratulations, that's great news. I've been in this position myself so I understand what it's like - my boyfriend lived 50miles away from me, in a city (dreadful for a country bumpkin like me!) and he didn't drive so I spent 5 years of my life travelling the 50 miles between us, 'living' in a horrible city at weekends and in school holidays. It's almost 2 years since he managed to find a job and move here. We are living with my parents and trying to save up to buy a house.

  7. Congratulations! What excellent news! So much fun making plans to move! Can't wait to follow along. Thanks for keeping us up to date!

  8. I love it when a plan works out! Looking forward to the next adventure...

  9. Ah it is all coming together. You should look back at some of the few years and hardship and smile that you kept going and you're getting there now! Like my sister...Congratulations! :) xxx

  10. Congratulations! Long distance gets old so husband and I managed it for most of our dating relationship. When we married and I graduated, I finally got to move in--and it was grand!

  11. I am SO pleased for you both! Hope you find somewhere lovely :)

    Maria xxx

  12. Happy hunting my love, so pleased for you, and I'm so sorry that I completely missed this until we tweeted the other day. I know the distance bit is hard work, boy do I, especially when you factor in that you're trying to end that cycle, rather than it being a side effect of a set period.

  13. This is AMAZING news. Good luck househunting. I can completely empathise; as I said on Twitter, The Boy and I still have 3 more months to go until he can move back to Leicester from the Netherlands. I wish the time would go faster!

  14. Woohoo! Fab news! And also well done that man.

  15. I bought your new home card on Thursday :-)


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