Friday, 27 January 2012

Surplus to requirements

- Adj

“Surplus to requirements, unnecessary or superfluous”


It’s hard not to take it personally, even though it’s affecting most people in the organisation. You want to stand on your desk and say “Well excuse me but I am totally necessary, thank you very much. I’ll have you know that I add quite the spark to a dinner party.”

At the moment everything is up in the air. They’re asking for voluntary redundancies and in a few weeks we’ll start to know more.

It’s a strange atmosphere. Everyone on edge. Everyone knows what’s going on but doesn’t really want to bring it up. It’s all head’s down, let’s get on with things, let’s not talk about it until we know more.

It’s hard not to feel paranoid that people are looking at you and wondering “Well what does she do – surely she’s not important, we could get rid of her and save us some money.” But come on, you know you’d do it too, I know I am. Going through a list of people and saying “Well we could get rid of them for a start.” It’s an unpleasant side to my character that has emerged but I guess it’s a fight or flight response. As happy and go-lucky as I am, if I’m in a situation where I have to prove my worth over someone-else’s the gloves will come off.

I can feel myself starting to mentally prepare some kind of statement to detail how awesome I am and what an asset I am to the organisation –the equivalent of practicing my song for the sing-off in X-Factor, hoping that Gary Barlow is going to tell me it was the performance of the night and put me through to the next round.

But when you’ve already been told you’re a luxury it’s hard to keep your self-esteem boosted and stay positive.

A luxury?

I feel like a Lush bath bomb sat next to some Asda Value bubble bath. I want to say “But just try me, I smell gorgeous and I’ll make your skin feel all soft and if you’re lucky I might just cover you in glitter.”

But when push comes to shove and you just want to have a tiny little treat, you’ll go for a bit of cheapo bubbly rather than the luxury item which is only going to coat the bottom of your bath and make you break your neck the next time you step into the tub.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go and prepare my song. I’m going to go for Journey’s, “Don’t Stop Believin’” – bet I’ll knock Louis Walsh’s socks off.


  1. Oh that is so rubbish! I've been made redundant three times in as many years (the joys of working in marketing, I too am deemed a 'luxury') so I know what it feels like to wonder how long you've got left and whether you'll be spared. I hope things go your way but if they don't know that there will be something even better out there for you.

  2. Shit, so sorry to hear that. I went through the whole process 3 times in the last 3 years or so - not pleasant. The last time I think I started crying when I was told I was keeping my job. Good luck with your 'song', if you don't fight for yourself, no one else will xx

  3. Fingers crossed you are ok..Actually keeping everything crossed (not that you'll need it) :D

  4. Oh crappetty crap crap - sorry to hear that! You get your singing voice toned Girl - they won't know what's hit them!
    Good Luck

  5. Bummer! Thats awful. The truth is these days (since the early 80's actually) that this is the way of working life now - and its rotten. Ive been made redundant 4 times in total and have to say I have gone on to better things, but its really awful at the time. Your metal gets tested and it makes you feel very vunerable - but you are a young 'en - so whatever happens - chin up and sock it to 'em. Everything crossed for you here. xxxxx

  6. Yuck what an awful thing to be going through. It's interesting what you said about the flight or fight thing. It explains a lot about how our country is treating the people at the bottom of the ladder - slicing and hacking away at benefits for sick and disabled for a start. Every time I turn on my PC I hear more horribleness going on, and the public is letting it happen. I couldn't understand why, but thinking about what you said, I guess it explains it - the "better you than me" sentiment.

  7. Pure Poop! good luck with the song! I have been through the same thing 3 times now, but sometimes it can be for the better ( OK not for the wallet and paying the bills!!) Don't take it personally Kxx

  8. Good luck!!!
    I would always choose Lush over Asda, hopefully your work will too

  9. Oh poor you, that sounds an awful situation to be in! Take care x

  10. It's crap but sadly it is the way of the world these days, most of us have been or will be made redundant several times over during our working lives. Altho it is hard you mustn't take it too personally. Character building is I believe what they describe this sort of thing as. Use this time to prepare your CV just in case etc.

  11. Oh dear...I've been through all of that...I hope you get through it. Just remember whatever happens you'll be okay and get through it. Every cloud has a silver lining

  12. Sorry to hear that news, trust you will not be involved but as other say....God sometimes closes a door so He can open a window.

  13. How rubbish =[ Fingers crossed for you! x

  14. Hoping you get some good news :)

  15. well that sucks big hairy biker balls :-(

  16. I'm keeping everything crossed for you.

  17. Oh bum, how horrible. I went through this a few years back and you're right that the atmosphere is awful. Fingers crossed for you.

  18. Oh no! Ach, I'm trying to be positive here - at least it's just voluntary redundancies for now, right? I have my fingers crossed for you that it doesn't get to the stage beyond that.


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