I know, I know, I'm sorry to spring it on you, it's not like it's being mentioned every five seconds or anything.
Actually I'm saying all this, and being terribly sarcastic, but it has kind of snuck up on me to be honest. I blogged about how excited I was back in February and suddenly the time is almost here and I'm left feeling a little bit panicky about the whole thing.
My tea party plans are coming along very nicely. A list has been made. People have been invited. I have all kinds of plans going on, but I'm just freaking out a tiny bit about how it's all going to come together.
The menu so far includes:
Lemon cupcakes
Elderflower and Lemon cake
Banana and Honey teabread
Union Jack battenburg cake (yes you heard right, if I pull it off it will be immense)
Mini sausage rolls
Cucumber sandwiches (with the crusts cut off of course)
Coronation chicken
I should probably point out that there's only going to be about 8 of us there. I think it's safe to say that doggie bags will be put into action. And believe me this list is heavily condensed, there were all kinds of other things on there but the realisation that I am just one person has meant that cuts had to be made.
Thursday has been blocked out as a baking day (apart from a hair appointment in the afternoon - I really am like a Lady who Lunches) and by then I will have a strict plan of action. I won't lie, there might even be timings on there - an itinerary isn't an itinerary without some timings on there.
And lets not forget about the decorating. I have all manner of Union Jack goodness going on and Thursday night will be spent festooning the house with all the tat I have. And remember I had the bright idea of collecting those commemorative mugs? Wait til you see what I have now...
Yes your eyes do not deceive you. My collection has grown somewhat larger than the last time you saw it. And this is pretty much entirely down to the immense kindness of one person. That person would be Lucy who sent me possibly the most amazing package ever with some brilliant charity shop finds. It was totally unexpected and more than I can put into words overwhelming.
I have mugs commemorating Charles' and Diana's wedding, mugs commemorating Fergie's and Andrew's wedding, mugs commemorating the Queen's Silver and Golden Jubilees, a mug commemorating the Silver Jubilee of King George V and a mug commemorating the coronation of Edward VIII and most importantly mugs commemorating the engagement and the wedding of one Prince William and one Kate Middleton.
Technically, technically, I have more mugs than I will have guests but I will be finding a use for them all, believe me.
And now I must go and panic about how I'm actually going to get this all done...
How the hell are they coping with organising the actual wedding?!