Sunday, 24 October 2010

At last...

Quick blog post from me.

Apologies for being not a brilliant blogger over the past couple of weeks, life has been doing it's utmost to be crap at the moment and get in the way of everything.

But I have to tell you this.

Because I want to put it on Facebook but can't because it's not my place...

Remember this blanket?

It finally has a recipient.

I have a niece at long long last.

Much as I love my 3 nephews I have been desperate for a niece and finally I have one.

Daisy was born a couple of hours ago and I am INCREDIBLY excited about it. EEK!


  1. Aww brill :) Daisy is such a lovely name :)

  2. WOOOHOOOO! congratulations, Auntie The Girl xxxxx

  3. Congratulations auntie!

    I love my little nephew but I'm looking forward to my niece being born in the new year!

    Victoria xx

  4. Woo! (and eek!). Congratulations!

  5. Oooh congrats to Daisy and her parents, and congrats to you for finally having a niece.
    Em xxxx

  6. Congratulations! Well, not that you were involved in the creating of the niece. You know what I mean.


  7. congratulations! That is amazing! So happy for you and your family! :) Don't worry about blogging - just catching up myself a bit! xxx

  8. Oh what lovely news. Congratulations Auntie!

    ps - I hoped you'd spot the Hull tshirt! You have to buy it.

  9. Oh wow - a little baby girl. They're the best.
    Congratulations aunty xxxxxx
    Best wishes to Daisy and the rest of her family.

  10. Sorry this is late, but congratulations Aunty! Hope you and the rest of the family are enjoying the new addition :)


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