Saturday, 25 May 2013

The ladies I miss

The other day the weirdest thing happened to me.

I couldn't stop thinking about Maggie and Maud.

For those not in the know, or who have forgotten in the mists of time, Maggie and Maud were my housemate's cat. I moved in with one of my Stitchette ladies, following my breakup and her and Maggie and Maud were responsible for stopping me from falling into a complete black pit of despair.

I looked back over my posts about Maggie and Maud and had to have a laugh. I was talking about Maggie in the same way that I talk about Blinky now - saying that she pretended she didn't love me when she really did. My good god she is not the same as Blinky. Compared to Blinky, Maggie was my adoring fan.

I miss her loud, yelling, scrowly meow.

I miss Maud's little chirruping and just plain beautiful face.

And I miss Dorothy - one of the few people I know who is capable of talking sense.

And so I leave you with another cat collage. Just like I did last weekend.

But it is Caturday after all.

For those who are interested - Maggie = black, Maud = tabby


  1. It are Caturday! Best day of the week. xx

  2. I love Caturdays. I truly believe that my cats keep me sane, I miss them even when I'm just away for the day.
    Great collage :)


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